Let me introduce you to three handsome young men for whom the orphan advocate army of Reece's Rainbow is screaming. We’ll call them Sebastian, Joseph, and Casey, and they each have only a few weeks to find a family. Once they turn sixteen, they will no longer be able to be adopted, and will not experience the love and care a family can provide. Sebastian and Joseph will ‘graduate’ from the orphanages and be sent out into the world to fend for themselves, and Casey will be relegated to an adult mental institution, and will probably spend the rest of his life lying in a crib. Please, share this post, their links, or these other posts by orphan advocates, and help us spread their faces far and wide in these last few weeks that we can shout for them. - http://andthisonematters.blogspot.ca/2013/04/timing-out-teen-young-man-needs-family.html (this advocate has met Sebastian and was asked by him to find a family) - http://youwillgooutwithjoy.blogspot.ca/2013/04/twenty-two-days.html - http://clairescalicocorner.blogspot.ca/2013/04/ten-days.html - http://loveslightwings.blogspot.ca/2013/04/promised-i-would.html - http://savingsullivan.blogspot.ca/2013/04/emergency.html - http://swissmaman.blogspot.ch/2013/04/joseph-and-sebastian-2-boys-in-very.html - http://savinghissparrows.blogspot.ca/2013/04/emergency-pray-for-miracle.html - http://loveslightwings.blogspot.ca/2013/04/somebodys-son.html Some of these posts feature other orphans who are at risk of aging out without a family as well. Join me in spreading these faces across the internet. The more people that see them, the more likely we can find them a family. Read on for more information about each of these special boys. Thank you! SEBASTIAN: Boy, born April 26 1997 Speech issues Sebastian will turn 16 THIS MONTH (April 2013). A family must have paperwork filed for him with USCIS PRIOR to his birthday — so, it must be filed on 4/25/2013. We’ve been told Sebastian is available for adoption, but his paperwork will not be cleared in country until fall 2013. However, the process *MUST* be started with USCIS (US Immigration) prior to his 16th birthday, for an American family to adopt him. Sebastian so badly longs for a family and to belong. He is shy, and has a very calm demeanor, slow to think and respond and soft spoken. He is not the ”in your face” kind of young man. He has ran away from the school on several occasions because he is sad living at the school and just does not fit in. With him being shy he is often picked on and accused of things he does not do and becomes a target because he does not fight back. Anything he was asked to do or help with the mission team he did not hesitate to help. When activities came up and he was asked to participate he had no problem engaging and playing. He has a slight stutter that comes out at times but nothing that will enable him or his future to achieve any goals. He is a precious young man. He says at times he has a hard time remembering things . He stated that he believes in God. He loves to read the encyclopedia and to learn. He loves animals and like to look them up and read about them. He loves all animals and would love to be in a family with any kind of animal. He loves mashed potatoes and chicken and he does not care much for fish soup! He enjoys sports like Futbul (soccer), basketball, running and swimming. He enjoys drawing cars. Although Sebastian is shy he can be funny and talkative at times. If he had a choice to be in a calm and quiet place, alone or with friends he would rather be with friends and not alone. He would prefer to be one to follow a good leader verse being the one to lead others. If he had some free time he would love to wind down by reading a book. He wants to build houses and that is the one trade he would love to learn. If he had three wishes he said to come to have a family in America, live in America and live near his other friend named Sasha or be able to talk to him. If he could be like anyone in the world he said he likes himself the way God made him. If he could visit anywhere in the world it would be America. He said he has visited a camp in Greece and he liked it there. When he went he thought he was going to be adopted and it did not happen it was just a camp so he was heart broken. He would love to visit an athletic gym in America and look at houses (architecture). He loves to look at church buildings and study how they are built and what they look like and enjoyed seeing them in Greece. He said he does not smoke or drink like many in his school and his favorite color is yellow. His favorite school subjects are Math, drawing and PE and his least favorite is Chemistry. He states he is an average student. When asked if he could visit a family in America would he like to be the oldest or youngest he said he did not care he just wanted to be part of a family. This young man is running out of time and it was so clear he just wants a family. He wrote a letter to a member of the team, asking for her help to find a family and thanking her for being willing to find him one. JOSEPH: Boy, born April 25, 1997 Abnormal development of cardiac system, recurrent infection of ENT organs and respiratory tract, humpback Joseph WANTS to be adopted and we want to give him a chance in case there is a family that is paper ready or able to file petition for his adoption with USCIS before he turns 16 to adopt him. He has no younger siblings. CASEY: Born June 1997 Cerebral palsy, significant mental delays, seborrheic dermatitis Casey is very sweet. He is bedridden, yet full of smiles. He desperately needs a family to save him. Travel required; married couples only. Large families welcome. $1862.30 is available towards the cost of my adoption
A little boy, stuck in an adult mental institution because of his extra chromosome. Heath is diagnosed with Down Syndrome, and is located in an Eastern European country that is open to both Americans and Canadians. The Reece’s Rainbow community has rallied around him, and he has a full grant available for his adoption – his future family needs to come up with funds for the initial commitment and homestudy fees, and they will then be able to move at lightning speed to rescue him. Open your eyes and your heart to what is the reality to so many children discarded by their societies because they are considered disabled and therefore worthless. Then look to our country and the opportunities that are present for those whom we have given the term, special needs, or the more accurate term, specially abled. Heath needs rescuing – is it possible that you know his future family?
This post was lined up to go, and then this week I received the sad news that Gédeon had passed away from an illness this past Wednesday. While sad, I still want to share even young people can make a huge difference in a family’s life. When I was in Rwanda in 2007, I met a little boy who was deaf and mute, and because his family lived in a Kigali slum, they could not afford to send him to the only school for children with disabilities, as it is a boarding school and rather expensive. I arrived back in Canada determined to help him if I could. I figured out how much money I could send for his schooling, and contacted the missionaries, only to find out that he had been sponsored by another visitor! Yay! Jen and Serge did know of another deaf and mute boy whose parents were a part of their Ubuzima (means life, wholeness, health in Kinyarwandan) support group for HIV/AIDS positive people. They asked if I would be willing to sponsor him, and I agreed wholeheartedly – getting a child an education and medical care if I could was exactly what I had hoped to do. This is how I ‘met’ Gédeon. As of now, I have been sponsoring him to go to school and receive medical care for 5 years. His mother even sent me an email and photos of him and their family with a letter that I sent shortly after beginning to sponsor Gédeon. Please know that you can change the life of a whole family for very little money – in this instance, less than 400 USD a year were enough to make sure the family had enough food, enrol Gédeon in a boarding school and ensure he received medication when needed. If you would like to sponsor a child or family, I recommend looking into organizations such as Compassion International or World Vision, or talking to someone you trust who works in international development and may know of a situation that your aid could alleviate.
Tomorrow is 'Family Day' in Ontario, and in honour of that, I am featuring these brothers, listed as Brody and Auggie, who are located in an Eastern European country waiting for their family to come find them. They are separated right now, living in different orphanages. Searching for a family for these two sweet boys, who are available to both Canadians and Americans, but their country requires that potential parents be married. More information can be found at the Reece's Rainbow website.
Dalton (pseudonym) is a seven-year-old boy located in Eastern Europe, who has been placed for international adoption. He has autism, and although the listing does not specify how he came to be in an orphanage, I suspect that the diagnosis may have played into that. Isn’t he adorable? For more information about him, the country he is located in (which is open to both Canadians and Americans), or to help build his adoption fund, visit Reece's Rainbow. The beauty of thunderclouds gathering, Germany, 2010. Hi! My name is Katiana. I am passionate about Isaiah 1:17 and am trying to live it out in my day-to-day life - and planning for it to become my career. This is a place where I can share my thoughts, discoveries, highlight amazing people and organizations, and rant (when needed). Some categories of posts that I will be doing are the following: - Life: information about me - Passion: subjects I can't stay quiet about - Beloved: profiles of people that matter to me - Treasures: organizations that I love - Words of Wisdom: highlighting writers that impact me - Simple Solutions: cool ideas that are changing the way things work - Nature Knows Best: home remedies and other such 'hippiness' as my mother says! Thanks for paying me a visit! |
AuthorWelcome! My name is Katiana and I am a development professional pursuing my dream to live out Isaiah 1:17 to the best of my abilities. I am passionate about teaching and working with vulnerable families and children to improve their lives sustainably.
CaveatThis blog is composed of my personal opinions, which do not necessarily reflect the opinion or views of institutions or organizations that I may be or have been affiliated with.
July 2017