Well, the Liebenzell Mission Day of 2017 was a lot of fun! Pastor Ken Davis, the leader of retreat ministries and outreach gave a wonderful sermon on Colossians 1. The worship was led by a team of German students who are studying at the Liebenzell University in Germany, and are doing a term abroad. We sang the yearly German hymn, written in the 1950s, "Vergiss nicht zu danken dem ewigen Herrn", or "Do not forget to thank the eternal Lord". I've put a translation below - it is a beautiful reminder of God's love for us. Do not forget to thank the eternal Lord He has done you a lot of good Remember, in Jesus, he forgives you You can approach him as you are He is merciful, patient, and gracious Much more than a father can He threw our sins into the outermost sea Come, pray to the Eternal One You can trust him in the dark night When everything seems lost He loves you, even when you give Him sorrow He is closer than ever Through gratefulness new things enter into life A wish that you never knew That everyone like you would want to be the child of God From the Father appointed as an heir Through man, Jesus builds the eternal world To prepare his community He placed them in his church And made them ready for service. A very creative, responsive prayer was led by a Liebenzell missionary, Markus Gommel, who works with Bangladeshi immigrants in Toronto. He wrote specific prayers for Liebenzell missionaries, staff, and projects, and had each one prayed for in a different language! I was blessed to be prayed for by one of my missionary candidate teachers, Rita Mattmueller, who used to be based in Malawi, and prayed for me in Chichewa. At the close of the service, the Liebenzell Canada leadership and the other Liebenzell pastors and missionaries that were present for the day, prayed for and commissioned me to serve as a long-term missionary in Malawi. It was led by my other missionary candidate teacher, Daniel Mattmueller. You can watch a video of the prayer below. I am so thankful for the amazing people who serve with Liebenzell globally, and that I am being included in that number. After a potluck luncheon, I got to share about Malawi and the work that Liebenzell does there... stay tuned in the next while to get the lowdown on the various projects Liebenzell Malawi manages, and the lives that are being changed!
Once a year, Liebenzell Canada hosts a missions service and potluck. I will be one of the presenters at this year's event, happening on Saturday, June 17th! It is out in Moffat (near Guelph), at the LMC headquarters, and you are all invited to join us! The day starts at 11:30 AM, with coffee and visiting, followed by a short worship service. Then everyone enjoys a potluck lunch together (if you come, please bring a salad or dessert). Following lunch, there are missions presentations! This year, the team leader from Ecuador will be the keynote speaker, and the other presentations will be from a missionary serving Bangladeshi immigrants in Toronto, and myself. There is usually a children's program of some sort, a soccer game on the field, and sometimes some frog catching in the pond! Check out the info by clicking here. I'd love to see you there!
AuthorWelcome! My name is Katiana and I am a development professional pursuing my dream to live out Isaiah 1:17 to the best of my abilities. I am passionate about teaching and working with vulnerable families and children to improve their lives sustainably.
CaveatThis blog is composed of my personal opinions, which do not necessarily reflect the opinion or views of institutions or organizations that I may be or have been affiliated with.
July 2017