![]() This blog has become a part of one of my school courses, INDEV 303. A major assignment in the class is to create and write a blog, as a way of building our brand and learning how to network and share information digitally. Some assignments involved in the course beyond the blog have been a one page advertisement/brochure for INDEVours, which was surprisingly difficult. It is very hard to balance the amount of data you want to include, with the necessity of a short and sweet summary. We also wrote and presented elevator pitches – a 30-45 second presentation that effectively sells you and your organization to the listener, and is targeted for that specific person. Again, not a large project, but tough to do – my parents were so sick of hearing that pitch by the time I was prepared to present! Another assignment was to read ‘The Dragonfly Effect’, a book on marketing through social media by Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith, and write a critical analysis of the book. I may yet share my opinion of that with you, so I will leave you hanging for now! Our final project will be a press kit that we would use to network, raise awareness, and share our information with donors. ![]() There are two more books that we read in the class. We read ‘Socialnomics’, by Eric Qualman, a book that explores the online societies that consumers have built, and businesses that utilize social media as a tool to improve their profit and brand recognition. The third book that was read in this course is ‘Tribes’, written by Seth Godin, which explores unconventional leadership – turning people into ‘tribes’ through shared interests, communication mediums, sharing a goal/desire for change with tools that allow members to act, spreading the word, growing the tribe, and accomplishing the goal. Lectures dealt with critical thinking, media analysis, good and bad logos, communicating successfully, marketing through social media, the incorporation of ethics in marketing, branding, and more. They were extremely diverse and interesting, and started weekly discussions between classmates regarding various topics. We also scoped out advertisements that were well-done, badly-done, or unique enough that we felt we should share with our cohort. INDEV 303 has been a big learning curve, and it’s also been a lot of fun. As we move into the next term, we will be continuing with the second part of the course, which involves working to fundraise to offset placement costs.
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AuthorWelcome! My name is Katiana and I am a development professional pursuing my dream to live out Isaiah 1:17 to the best of my abilities. I am passionate about teaching and working with vulnerable families and children to improve their lives sustainably.
CaveatThis blog is composed of my personal opinions, which do not necessarily reflect the opinion or views of institutions or organizations that I may be or have been affiliated with.
July 2017